Happy Thanksgiving!
November 18, 2024
Happy Thanksgiving from Nationwide Seminars LLC!
According to the AAA, nearly 80 million people are expected to travel 50 miles or more from home during the Thanksgiving travel period.
Please drive safely!

We Are Proud To Be a Member Of The National Safety Council
We Are Proud To Be a Member Of The National Safety Council
January 20, 2024
Being a member of the @NationalSafetyCouncil is about making people’s lives safer, on and off the job, because #SafetyIsPersonal. Here is why our #SafetyTeam is #Proud2BNSC:
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Happy New Year From Nationwide Seminars LLC
Happy New Year From Nationwide Seminars LLC
January 1, 2024
January is a good time to start fresh and embark on a new year of safety. We want thank all of our students for your commitment to safety on the roads. We are proud to team up with the National Safety Council to spread the word that distracted driving, including hands-free phone use and infotainment systems, puts everyone at risk. Sign up for free, ready-to-use resources to create a distracted driving program that engages your workforce and reminds everyone to #JustDrive. #SafetyIsPersonal #KeepEachOtherSafe #NewYear
Also, now is a great time to check your vehicle for an open safety recall. Did you know that approximately 50 million vehicles on U.S. roads have an open safety recall? The National Safety Council #CheckToProtect initiative makes it easy for you to stay safe and check for safety recalls here: https://bit.ly/CheckToProtectNSC.
Remember, if you do have a recall, contact your authorized vehicle dealership to schedule the free repair!
About the National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is America's nonprofit safety advocate - and has been for more than 100 years. As a mission-based organization, the NSC works to eliminate the leading causes of preventable death and injury, focusing efforts on the workplace, roadway, and impairment. The NSC creates a culture of safety to not only keep people safer at work, but also beyond the workplace so they can live their fullest lives.
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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration addresses speeding
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration addresses speeding
August 3, 2022
We here at Nationwide Seminars LLC are proud of our work to to eliminate speeding on our roadways.
According the National Safety Council Injury Facts, in 2020 there were 11,258 roadway fatalities where speeding was a factor. This means that over 30 people a day were lost due to speed related accidents. We need to work together to get everyone home safely! The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is addressing the troubling trend of speeding in their new national campaign. You can find NHTSA resources on the dangers of speeding here: https://bit.ly/30qqiHQ.
Learning about the dangers of speeding and how to avoid speeding can help young people to make more responsible choices on the road. Our Alive at 25 classes can help you or a loved one to make better driving choices. Sign up now!
About the National Safety Council
The National Safety Council is America's nonprofit safety advocate - and has been for more than 100 years. As a mission-based organization, the NSC works to eliminate the leading causes of preventable death and injury, focusing efforts on the workplace, roadway, and impairment. The NSC creates a culture of safety to not only keep people safer at work, but also beyond the workplace so they can live their fullest lives.
Learn more at:
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Review supplemental information about the Independence Day holiday fatality estimates, and additional motor vehicle data and research at:
June 16, 2022

100 Deadliest Days
The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer is the time period from the unofficial start of summer, Memorial Day, all the way to the unofficial end of summer, Labor Day. During this time period from 2010 to 2019, more than 7,000 people died in teen driving-related summertime crashes. This amounts to roughly seven people every day, which outpaces the approximate six people killed in car crashes every day during the rest of the year.
This startling trend doesn’t end at teen drivers, however. According to the National Safety Council, the motor vehicle deaths and mileage death rates for all motorists noticeably increase from July through September, when compared to the rest of the year.
The summertime crash trend is apparent, but why does it occur? For teen drivers in particular, they may engage in the following behaviors that increase the chances of a crash:
Distracted driving. One in three teens who text admit they have done so while driving. Texting is not the only form of distraction that manifests in a vehicle. Other distractions include smartphone use, loud music, passengers, and more.
Not wearing seatbelts. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 45% of the teen drivers who died in crashes in 2018 were unbuckled.
Speeding. Speeding was a factor in 28% of the fatal crashes involving teen drivers.
Peer pressure. In a study analyzed by the NHTSA, teen drivers were two-and-a-half times more likely to engage in risky behaviors while driving if they had a teenage peer in the car. This number increases to three times when there are multiple passengers.
Learn more at NHTSA.gov.
National Seat Belt Month
National Seat Belt Month
May 31, 2022
May is National Seat Belt month. This year’s National Seat Belt Enforcement Mobilization is taking place May 20 through June 2. The national event teams up with local law enforcement agencies throughout the United States, highlighting the dangers of not buckling up. The annual high visibility “Click It or Ticket” campaign supports law enforcement’s efforts to increase the use of seat belts and prevent collision fatalities. www.NSC.org.
May is also motorcycle safety month. Learn more at NHTSA.gov.
Remember to buckle up today!

Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Distracted Driving Awareness Month
April 2, 2022
April is distracted driving awareness month. The National Safety Council has confirmed that our roads are the most dangerous they’ve been in years; on a typical day, eight people are killed and hundreds more are injured in distraction-affected crashes. Drivers face distracted driving risks on every trip, from the driveway to the parking lot and back home again.
This April, team with NSC to spread the word that distracted driving, including hands-free phone use and infotainment systems, puts everyone at risk. Sign up for free, ready-to-use resources to create a distracted driving program that engages your workforce and reminds everyone to #JustDrive.
Commit to driving distraction-free by taking the NSC Just Drive Pledge and help us make the roads safer for everyone.